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Four new Bills to end Florida Free Kill

There are four new Bills in the Florida Legislature poised to end Florida's Free Kill Law. · The way §768.21(8) currently reads allows medical providers to take a Kevorkian-like position in that there is a realization that if a patient in this population (unmarried and over age 24 with no minor children) dies then that can be a better legal outcome for a healthcare provider than trying to save the life of a patient knowing they will have long-term injuries. This is made only worse because it is without patient permission, with no fear of retribution.

HB 6011 (Representative Spencer Roach (R)) & SB 262 (Senator Anna Maria Rodriguez (R)) | Ends the Florida Free Kill Law as it relates to medical negligence causing death of an unmarried adult with no minor children who is an adult child.

HB 6039 (Representative Hinson (D)) & SB 560 (Senator Anna Maria Rodriguez (R)) | Ends the Florida Free Kill Law as it relates to medical negligence causing death of an unmarried adult with no minor children who is a parent.

What can you do?

The single most important thing you can do is let your voice be heard by those who can directly affect the passing of Bills that would end Florida's Free Kill law. Be the voice of change and share your personal story of loss with those who are able to make a difference. Many legislators have never before heard of free kill, while others know of it only from the opposition (hospital and medical malpractice lobbyists). Until this group of individuals has heard from you, they will not clearly understand the impact Florida Free Kill has on human life in our state.

We have prepared a document to help you with talking points about Florida's Free Kill law. This can also be printed as a two sided one pager to bring with you to any meetings with legislators.

Download printable flyer

Speak to your local House Representative and local Senator

Find your local House Representative HERE

Find your local Senator HERE

Speak at your local county delegation meeting

Contact Florida Medical Rights Association for help finding your local meeting.

Vocalize your opinion and experience of Florida's Free Kill law to legislators who sit on decision making committees

Contact chairman of the House and Senate committees where these bills will be heard and ask them to make sure these bills make the agenda so they can be heard. The Chairman of each committee decides if a Bill is heard or not. If enough people let the Chairman and other ranking members know how important these Bills are, it can make a big difference in the outcome.

SB 262 & SB 560 The first stop is the Senate Judiciary Committee. The members can be found at this LINK

If these two Senate Bills pass the first committee, then it will move forward to the Insurance and Banking Committee. The members can be found at this LINK

HB 6039 & HB 6011 - First Stop is the Civil Justice & Property Rights Subcommittee. The members can be found at this LINK

If these two House Bills pass, they will be moved to the second stop, the Judiciary Committee. The members can be found at this LINK

The final stop for these Bills to end Free Kill, before heading to the Governor's office is the Rules Committee. The members can be found at this LINK

Although Florida Medical Rights community has grown, I still feel compelled to give a nod to Margaret Mead for saying "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world.In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." Please check out our website for more information or to join our biweekly meetings in Zoom.

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