Will the Free Kill Finally END in 2024?Year after year, advocates struggle to get attention from legislators, first to file bills to repeal, and then for the bills to be heard...
Free Kill SB 248 - Danger Your Action is Needed!If two phone calls could have saved your loved one's life, then make these two phone calls now, to protect all potential Florida Free...
New law: Zero Accountability for Medical Negligence (when you live through it) https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/236/?Tab=BillText Thanks to the Florida Legislature, negligence is now accepted as the new...
2023 Florida Legislative Session: Four bills on Free Kill - Two to end, Two to extendMore controversy surrounds the people's continuous request to end the Florida Free Kill law than ever before. This year, legislators...
Repeal Free Kill - Time Sensitive Advocacy Activities Florida Statute § 768.21(8) denies unmarried adults without minor children equal protection under the law and deprives the survivors of...
Give your testimony about Free KillWe are working on two impactful campaigns. For both of them, we need you! We can only make a difference together. In place of our next...
How to collect medical records on a Florida Free KillGreetings, My name is Philip. I’ve only recently discovered the Florida Medical Rights group, thanks to an attorney who used the term...
Tracking the Progress of Ending Florida's Free Kill LawA four year history of Florida’s Free Kill law. In brief summary, Florida’s Free Kill law has gained traction year over year. While we...
Jeraldine Creighton - A preventable death, and a Free KillJeraldine Creighton suffered a mild heart attack, but the hospital failed to treat her properly. She leaves behind two sons. Unmarried...
Devan Tuttle, 41 y.o. Free Kill victimA correct diagnosis could have saved Devon's life. She went to the emergency room with a headache, entrusting her life to the care of...