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Florida Statute § 768.21(8) denies unmarried adults without minor children equal protection under the law and deprives the survivors of these individuals of their right to access the courts for redress as enumerated by the Florida Constitution in the case of medical negligence causing death.
The Florida Free Kill law is unconstitutional and
fails to equally value the lives of all Floridians

Florida's legislative Session 2023,
Bills pertaining to a full repeal of Florida's Free Kill law
SB 690 - Senator Lauren Book
HB1435 - House Rep Lopez
What can you do to help change Florida's Free Kill Law?
If your loved one has been a victim of this law, please reach out to your legislators, especially if your loved one was a victim of this law. Tell them your story. Ask them to sponsor bills to repeal §768.21(8)
You can find your Florida House Representative here:
and your Florida Senator here:
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