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Where politicians stand on Florida Free Kill
Dear Families of Florida Free Kill Victims and Florida Medical Rights Association Supporters, Election Day is near and while I would...

Current Florida Free Kill Victims
We are living in an age of change, a time where people are fed up with social injustices that often occur against American citizens in...

Meeting Request in an Open Letter to Florida Legislators
This is an open letter being sent to all Florida Senators, House Members and their Legislative Staff Members Via Email. Dear Sir/Madam,...

Supreme Court Upholds Free Kill in Florida
In 1993, Morris Mizrahi allegedly suffered a wrongful death at North Miami Medical Center due to medical malpractice. Upon death, Mr....

Project Billboard - Lets Do It!
The FMRA team members have been working hard in the background gearing up for lobbying to change the Wrongful Death Act in Florida. In...

Increase Your Chances of Exiting a Florida Hospital Alive
Florida Medical Rights Association is a health policy advocacy organization, whose bottom line goal is to improve patient safety in...

The End of Florida Free Kill is Near
Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State, where doctors and medical facilities are not held accountable when their patients die due to...

How Not To Become a Statistic of Wrongful Death by Medical Error
Florida Medical Rights Association is an advocacy organization, whose bottom line goal is to improve patient safety in Florida hospitals....

Florida Medical Rights Association - A Grassroots NonProfit for Changing Free Kill in Florida
Florida Medical Rights Association is a Florida Registered NonProfit born from the efforts of Dad's Daisies and Unspoken Voice. With...

Surgical Error - Denied Nutrition, Bled to Death- Florida Law Denies Daughter Right to Justice
Click here to view a video of Debbie Sharing her Story. I watched my father bleed out and take his last breath due to several medical...
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