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CBS News covers Florida Free Kill
Melody Page of Lake Worth, Fla., shares the story of how she lost her father, Ken, to a medical mistake on CBS news. Interviewed by Jay...

What's Up With the Bill to End Free Kill? HB 6051
Several advocates, who are families of Free Kill victims, joined me in taking a trip to Tallahassee to see if we could educate...

A Heart Surgeon Faces Florida Free Kill Law
"There but for the grace of God go I," is a phrase that came about simply because tragedy is something that one does not typically expect....

Increase Your Chances of Exiting a Florida Hospital Alive
Florida Medical Rights Association is a health policy advocacy organization, whose bottom line goal is to improve patient safety in...

Hospital Induces Drug Overdose - Woman Dies - Florida Law Supports Hospital
Our Mom Early January 2017 our Mom was preparing for a 7 day cruise with me (her Son) and she already had her bags packed to leave a week...

Brain Bleed From Being Dropped by Caregivers - Florida Law Gives Family NO Access to Court
Today we honor the memory of Betty, a victim of an unaccounted for wrongful death in Florida. Her cause of death was not counted as...
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