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End Florida Free Kill - Holiday Giving Project

If the holidays have you thinking: "How can I give back to my community?" The answer is here. This year, the most important gift you can give to help end Florida's Free Kill law is just a little bit of your time.

Here at Florida Medical Rights Association we are focused on joining together all of the people we can find who have been affected by Florida's Free Kill law. Our mission is twofold. 1. Support each other in managing our grief and 2. Synchronizing activities that move the ball forward to repeal Florida's Free Kill law.

Every year in Florida legislators meet in Tallahassee from January to March. They discuss and debate bills that are submitted. In the first three weeks of session, if a bill is heard it can either be moved forward to the next committee or tabled for another year. Literally thousands of bills are pushed across legislator's plates, but there will only be time for a few hundred (at most) to be heard.

If those who have the power to decide between what bills are heard and what bills are passed over, heard from the voting population, it would make an impactful statement. The only way they know what we want is if enough of us tell them.

The four bills on the table this year are: HB 6011, HB 6039, SB 560 and SB 262. Each of these four bills repeal a portion of the Free Kill statute. If all four bills pass both the House and the Senate then the bills go to the Governor's office for a signature.

If you want to participate in educating for change, I am sending out weekly assignments that take only 15 minutes to accomplish. I am sure that both Santa and the Hanukkah Fairy would be pleased to see you doing good things for the people around you. It's easy to get involved. Just fill in the form on our website and someone will get in touch.


Ready to start your holiday giving now? Here is this week's project along with an explanation:

In the Florida House, Representative Wyman Duggan has control as the Chairman of the House Civil Justice Committe to slate the two House Bills (6039 & 6011) to be heard or to squash them. We are hearing that he does not want to hear the bills. Wyman Duggan is pro corporation and not pro the people. But the people are in control of the vote. He is located in Duval County. We are certain that the vast majority of his voting constituents would be appalled to hear that he won't listen to the people and doesn't like these bills. These are good bills, seeking to repeal bad laws.

In the Florida Senate, Senator Danny Burgess has control as the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to slate the two Senate Bills (560 & 262) to be heard or to squash them. We have been unable to get a confirmation on if he thinks these bills are important enough to be heard or not. Danny Burgess covers district 20 which includes parts of Pasco, Polk and Hillsborough Counties. We are certain that his constituents want to be heard, and many people from his areas have reached out to ask what they can do. So far, he has not returned our calls. But calls from his local voting community are more likely to be taken to heart.

Our project this week is to write to both of these legislators, and call them, so that our desires for them to let the people be heard in session is loud and clear. If you need help with this, we are happy to assist you! We have pre written email templates and can help you learn to articulate what you are asking for.

Below is the contact information for each legislative decision maker. Two phone calls and two emails, will certainly have the elves thinking about you!

Senator Danny Burgess

House Representative Wyman Duggan

(904) 381-6011


CC his assistant: ​​


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